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Hi Hello there!I'm sharing some small tips about living in Korea, delicious restaurants, travel spots, and my personal experiences. If you like what you see, feel free to share it with your friends!Just point your phone's camera at the QR code below, and it will take you to the link.Thank you for your support!   안녕하세요!저는 한국에서의 생활에 관한 소소한 팁, 맛집, 여행 이야기, 그리고 제가 느낀 다양한 경험들을 공유하고 있습니다.내용이 마음에 드신다면, 친구들.. 2024. 8. 26.
Pay phone in Korea_공중전화 이용하기 Have you ever seen one of these? It's called a public phone. They used to be everywhere, but now it’s a bit of a surprise when you spot one. You might not need to use a public phone very often, but in an emergency, it can be really helpful.How to Use a Public Phone in Korea Paying for Your Call:Coins: You can use 10, 50, 100, or 500 won coins. Just drop them into the slot, and the phone will sho.. 2024. 8. 26.
Do you really have to ride an electric scooter_전동킥보드 타지마! Have you seen people with different skin colors riding electric scooters on the streets? They look pretty cool, right? You just scan with your phone, hop on, and go anywhere without getting stuck in traffic. But you know what? Riding an electric scooter can actually be pretty dangerous. According to the traffic accident statistics released by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, .. 2024. 8. 26.
Beef Tripe Soup_소 내장탕 My Soul DishesHave you ever tried beef tripe soup? The name might sound a bit strange, right?Today, I want to talk about my comfort food, tripe soup!​It might not look very tasty, but trust me, whether it's a cold winter day or a hot summer one, having a bowl of this soup makes you feel super healthy. It's the best dish ever.​Actually, there are other dishes like this in different countries, lik.. 2024. 8. 24.
Taxi guide in Seoul_서울에서 택시 이용하기 If you're visiting Seoul, taking a taxi is a great way to get around, especially if you avoid the busy rush hour times. Seoul isn't that big, so you can usually get to where you want to go for around $50.Here’s how you can use a taxi in Seoul:1. How to Get a TaxiOn the street: You can wave at a taxi on the street. Look for a taxi with a light that says "빈차" (which means "empty").Using an app: Yo.. 2024. 8. 24.
Boribap(Barley rice)_민초 보리밥_동두천 "Mincho," which specializes in oldfashioned K-bibimbap!! From the moment you walk in, it's like stepping into a museum filled with truly old items The place has a raw, unpolished feel, like a typical Korean home from the days of my grandfather's generation The interior is striking because it feels like they've preserved the essence of those times without any embellishments ​As you look around, y.. 2024. 8. 23.
BQ BBQ_비큐바비큐_동두천 The weather is so hot these days! I feel like I'm going crazy​Back in the day, summers were cooler in the shade, with a gentle breeze blowing. But now, summer in Korea reminds me of the scorching heat in the U.S.​This is an old story, but when I was living in the U.S., my younger brother lived in Texas.​If I wanted to visit him, it felt like I was traveling from one country to another because th.. 2024. 8. 23.
$ Shop in Korea Dais_다이소 We all arrived here on this unfamiliar land with our own reasons and goals, right?​Some came for a short trip to gain new experiences, others for studying abroad, and some even came here after getting a job with a Korean company.​It was the same for me several years ago. I went abroad to study something new. I still remember. Even though I couldn’t speak a word of English, I set foot on American.. 2024. 8. 23.
T-MONEY CARD_티머니카드 Whether you're here in Korea for a visit or staying for a while, I've got a super useful payment method to share with you that you'll definitely want to know about!​It's called T-money.Think of it as a prepaid card that's incredibly convenient to use. You just load it up with some money and tap it on the card reader whenever you need to pay. To get one, just pop into any convenience store you se.. 2024. 8. 23.
Subway Guide in Seoul_서울지하철 타는방법 Seoul Subway Guide The Seoul subway is one of the biggest and most complex subway systems in the world. Each line has a number and a color, so it’s easy to find your way. I’ll explain how to ride the subway in Seoul and give you some tips about each line and how to transfer between them! At the bottom, I’ve included some links to apps that you can download on your phone. These apps will help you.. 2024. 8. 23.