Living Tips for/Surviving in Korea in Korea2 한국의 추석_K-Thanksgiving 추석이야. 미국의 추수감사절과 같은 한국 전통 명절이라고 말하고 싶다Chuseok is a traditional Korean holiday that I want to compare to Thanksgiving in the United States. 여럿이 모여 대가족 생활하던 어렸을 적과 달리, 요즘은 혼자 사는 사람도 많아지고 가족도 아이 하나 있는 집이 대부분이니 추석이 와도 그냥 또 하나의 휴일로 느껴질분 유년의 한껏 부푼 왁자지껄함은 느낄 수 가 없다 Unlike when we used to gather in large families during my childhood, now there are many people living alone, and most families have only on.. 2024. 9. 18. Pay phone in Korea_공중전화 이용하기 Have you ever seen one of these? It's called a public phone. They used to be everywhere, but now it’s a bit of a surprise when you spot one. You might not need to use a public phone very often, but in an emergency, it can be really helpful.How to Use a Public Phone in Korea Paying for Your Call:Coins: You can use 10, 50, 100, or 500 won coins. Just drop them into the slot, and the phone will sho.. 2024. 8. 26. 이전 1 다음