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Eat in/Yang Ju

쳥요리 전문점 “려기”_Chinese Cuisine Specialty Restaurant, Ryeogi

by runoiskorean 2024. 9. 9.

가족 생일이라 룸이 있는 식당을 찾다 예약도 된다해 
Since it was a family member's birthday, I was looking for a restaurant with private rooms,


양주에 위치한 청요리 전문점 려기에 다녀왔어 
 and I found out that Ryeogi, a Chinese cuisine restaurant in Yangju, takes reservations.

중식? 청요리? 모가 다를까 찾아보니

I wondered, what’s the difference between Chinese food and Qing cuisine?

한국식 중화 요리를 중식이라하고, 현지식에 가까운 중국음식을 청요리라 한다네 
 After looking it up, I found that Chinese food refers to Korean style Chinese dishes, while Qing cuisine is more like authentic Chinese food.

첨엔 코스로 주문하려 하다 아직 토끼들이 매운거 못먹는 것도 있고, 맨날 먹는 짬뽕 짜장 말고 평소 

At first, we thought about ordering a course meal, but since the kids can’t handle spicy food yet, we decided to try some dishes we don’t usually eat instead of the usual jjambbong (spicy noodle soup) and jjajang (black bean noodles).

안먹어본 요리 위주로 주문해 이것 저것 주문해 나눠 먹었지 

So, we ordered various dishes and shared them.

잘 모르는 요리도 있어 직원분 추천으로 먹어봤는데 

We weren’t familiar with some of the dishes, so we asked the staff for recommendations, and they were great! 

맛도 굳 퀄리티도 굳 양도 굳

The taste, quality, and portion sizes were all really good.

다만 가격만 쏘쏘였어 가격대가 좀 있는편이야, 
but the only downside was the price—it’s on the expensive side.

단체나 가족모임하기 정말 굳 굳 굳 "려기" 추천해~ :)
for group or family gatherings, it’s really great. I highly recommend Ryeogi! :)


★주소: 경기 양주시 부흥로 2161 박앤조 빌딩 1층

              location: 1st Floor, Park & Joe Building, 2161 Buheung-ro, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do


★주차: 차가지고 오세요 충분합니다 

              Parking: Plenty of parking available