yangjuchinesecuisine #yangjufoodexperience #qingcuisineyangju #양주중식 #양주맛집 #청요리1 쳥요리 전문점 “려기”_Chinese Cuisine Specialty Restaurant, Ryeogi 가족 생일이라 룸이 있는 식당을 찾다 예약도 된다해 Since it was a family member's birthday, I was looking for a restaurant with private rooms, 양주에 위치한 청요리 전문점 려기에 다녀왔어 and I found out that Ryeogi, a Chinese cuisine restaurant in Yangju, takes reservations.중식? 청요리? 모가 다를까 찾아보니 I wondered, what’s the difference between Chinese food and Qing cuisine?한국식 중화 요리를 중식이라하고, 현지식에 가까운 중국음식을 청요리라 한다네 After looking it up, I .. 2024. 9. 9. 이전 1 다음