서울 근교에 살고 있는 내가 남쪽 지방으로 여행을 가는건 1년에 한 번 있을까 말까 하는 연례행사이다.
For me, living near Seoul, traveling to the southern region is an annual event that may happen once a year, if at all.
지난 이야기들에서 언급했듯 전라도 광주의 제약회사 영업 팀장으로 발령이 난 골목 친구의 초대로 광주 방문했다
광주에 왔으니 광주 대표 음식점을 찾아 제철음식을 제대로 체험한 "섬진강"을 소개한다
As mentioned in previous stories, I visited Gwangju on the invitation of a close friend who was appointed as a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company in Gwangju, and we went to a Gwangju seasonal food hanjeongsik (Korean full-course meal) restaurant.
아래 지도를 보면 알겠지만 전라도는 지리적으로 매우 특이한 위치에 있다.
Jeolla Province is in a geographically unique location.
Jeolla Province is in a geographically unique location.
서해와 남해를 가까이 끼고 있어 예로부터 신선한 해산물을 실시간으로 공급받을 수 있음은 물론 기름진 호남평야에서 나오는 다양한 농산물과 산채 등을 계절이 스칠 때마다 때때로 먹을 수 있는 축복의 땅이기도 하다
Closely bordered by the West Sea and the South Sea, this blessed land has not only been able to receive fresh seafood in real-time since ancient times, but also offers the opportunity to enjoy a variety of agricultural products and wild vegetables from the fertile Honam Plains with each passing season.
Closely bordered by the West Sea and the South Sea, this blessed land has not only been able to receive fresh seafood in real-time since ancient times, but also offers the opportunity to enjoy a variety of agricultural products and wild vegetables from the fertile Honam Plains with each passing season.
이러한 지리적 환경은 전라도 음식의 다양성을 만들었으며, 넘쳐나는 재료를 오래 먹기 위해 보관하는 방법이 잘 발달됨과 동시에 음식 저장에 용이한 간이 세고 맛이 강한 특징을 가지고 있다.
This geographical environment has created diversity in Jeolla-do cuisine, and as methods for preserving abundant ingredients for long-term consumption have been well developed, it has also resulted in characteristics of strong seasoning and intense flavors that are conducive to food preservation.
"식당 섬진강"은 파인다이닝스러운 한정식집은 아니었으나, 제공되는 반찬의 가짓수와 더불어 주방 전라도 토박이 아줌마들의 손맛이 더해져 접시 하나하나가 스칠 때마다 감탄사가 연발되었다.
Although "Restaurant Seomjingang" was not a fine-dining style Korean set-menu restaurant, the number of side dishes provided, along with the culinary skills of the native Jeolla-do women in the kitchen, resulted in exclamations of admiration with each dish that passed by.
Although "Restaurant Seomjingang" was not a fine-dining style Korean set-menu restaurant, the number of side dishes provided, along with the culinary skills of the native Jeolla-do women in the kitchen, resulted in exclamations of admiration with each dish that passed by.
가격은 조금 비싼 편이었으며 1인당 대략 5만 원 정도의 금액 플러스 알파액을 지불하였다.
The price was a bit on the expensive side, and we paid around 50,000 won per person plus some additional amount.
The price was a bit on the expensive side, and we paid around 50,000 won per person plus some additional amount.
한정식이기에 예약은 필수였으며 서빙하는 웨이트리스에게 중간 1만 원 정도의 팁을 지불하는 건 한정식집의 매너임을 잊지 말자!
Reservations were essential as it's a hanjeongsik restaurant, and don't forget that it's good manners to give a tip of about 10,000 won to the waitress serving you!
Reservations were essential as it's a hanjeongsik restaurant, and don't forget that it's good manners to give a tip of about 10,000 won to the waitress serving you!
전라도 광주에 방문해 향토 음식을 제대로 즐기고 싶다면 후회 없는 선택지가 될 거라 자신한다.
If you want to truly enjoy local cuisine when visiting Gwangju in Jeolla Province, I am confident this will be a choice you won't regret.
#예약 전화번호는 아래 비즈니스 카드를 참조하세요.
For reservation phone numbers, please refer to the business card below.
For reservation phone numbers, please refer to the business card below.
#위치: 광주광역시 서구 신천길 20
Location: 20 Sincheon-gil, Seo-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City
Location: 20 Sincheon-gil, Seo-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City
#주차: 식당 주차장 10여 대 가능
Parking: About 10 spaces available in the restaurant parking lot.
Parking: About 10 spaces available in the restaurant parking lot.
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